Choose the category that best represents your research before you submit your contributed abstract. The call for contributed abstract submissions ran from Sept. 9 - Oct. 31, 2024.
The sorting categories also represent the breadth and depth of the topics and branches of physics discussed at the APS Global Physics Summit. At this Joint March Meeting and April Meeting, the abstract submission process includes choosing from either the March Meeting or April Meeting sorting categories.
Download sorting categories spreadsheet
March Meeting topics
If your abstract focuses on condensed matter physics, materials physics, biological physics, chemical physics, polymer physics, soft matter physics, physics of fluids, magnetism, computational physics, quantum physics, statistical physics, superconductivity, and general physics theory, then submitting to the March Meeting sorting categories is right for you.
April Meeting topics
If your abstract focuses on subfields of physics such as astrophysics, particle and fields physics, nuclear physics, gravitation, beams and accelerator physics, hadron physics, few body physics, precision measurement, and physics education research, then submitting to the April Meeting sorting categories is right for you.
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Hotels and travel
Prepare to visit Anaheim, California, for the in-person APS Global Physics Summit.
Attend the meeting
Prepare to present your research, register for the meeting, and travel to Anaheim, California.
Choose between on-site or virtual attendee options and get the best rates.