APS Global Physics Summit Logo March 16–21, 2025, Anaheim, CA and virtual

Session Chair Responsibilities

APS is grateful to the volunteers who assist in facilitating these sessions.

In-person and virtual session chairs play an important role by providing presenter introductions, keeping time, and moderating audience questions. APS is grateful to the volunteers who assist in facilitating these sessions. All chairs are asked to create a profile in the Speaker Console of the mobile app and virtual platform. This will assist in creating engagement among all attendees.

Responsibilities and instructions

As a session chair, you should keep the session to time and foster a welcoming environment by adhering to the following instructions:

Talk times

Please ensure that session presentations stay on time and allow for audience questions and answers.




If you are unable to moderate your assigned session, please contact APS Abstract Help immediately so that a replacement chair can be provided. If you would like to suggest a replacement chair, please provide the chair’s name, affiliation, and email.

More information

On-site presenter instructions

Get ready to share your research in Anaheim, California.

Virtual presenter instructions

Prepare to present virtually at the APS Global Physics Summit.

Attend the meeting

Come together with the physics community in Anaheim, California, and virtually at the Joint March Meeting and April Meeting.


Join the physics community at the Joint March Meeting and April Meeting 2025.