APS Global Physics Summit Logo March 16–21, 2025, Anaheim, CA and virtual


Present your physics research to over 14,000 physicists. The call for abstract submissions ran from Sept. 9 - Oct. 31, 2024.

A woman giving a presentation

Abstract submissions

The call for abstract submissions ran from Sept. 9 - Oct. 31, 2024.

Submit to March Meeting or April Meeting

As the APS Global Physics Summit combines the March Meeting and April Meeting, abstracts must be submitted to either the March Meeting or April Meeting. Please review the sorting categories before submitting your abstract.

When selecting between the March Meeting or April Meeting sorting categories, please consider:

You must be an APS member or a member of a reciprocal society to submit.

Students: Your first year of APS membership is free!

To submit your abstract and present your research at the meeting, you must also review and agree to our permission agreement.

Types of abstracts

APS members who wish to present at the APS Global Physics Summit 2025 may submit contributed abstracts for oral or poster presentations.

Individuals may also be invited to speak by the APS Program Committee. Invited speakers must still submit an abstract for your presentation.

Contributed abstract guidelines

Review the specific steps and details for submitting a contributed abstract to the APS Global Physics Summit 2025.

Invited abstract guidelines

Review the specific steps and details for invited speakers to submit an invited abstract to the APS Global Physics Summit 2025.

Tips and advice for preparing your research

When considering how best to submit your abstract and present your research, you may want to review the following APS resources:

Questions about abstract submissions

If you have specific questions about the abstract submission process for the APS Global Physics Summit 2025, please contact the APS Meetings team.

More information


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Attend the meeting

Get ready to submit your abstract, plan your trip, and present at the meeting.


Get ready to register to ensure you can attend the meeting at the best rate.

Publish your paper in Physical Review Journals

Present at the APS Global Physics Summit and publish your work in one or more of our 17 acclaimed Physical Review Journals.